Ulrich Schuh



Ulrich  Schuh is President of Eureka, the world largest public network for  international cooperation in Research, Development and Innovation.

Ulrich  Schuh is also Director for Economic Policy at WPZ-Research in Vienna, he is  member of the Austrian Fiscal Council and of the Austrian Financial Market  Stability Board. Ulrich Schuh has been Head of the Department for Economics  at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna between 2004-2011. From 2011  to 2016 he has been Scientific Manager at EcoAustria an economic research  Institute in Vienna.

From 2016-2018 Ulrich Schuh was Director General for  Innovation and Economy at the Ministry for Economic Affairs. From July 1st  2017 to December 31st 2018 he was Chairman of the High Level Group for  Competitiveness and Growth at the European Council in Brussels.

Ulrich Schuh  holds a PhD. in Economics from University of Vienna. His research areas are  econometrics, labour economics, public finances, pensions systems, innovation  and model building in economics.