Thomas Rettich

TRUMPF / Photonics21

Head of Research Coordination TRUMPF; Photonics21 EB member

Dr.  Thomas Rettich is responsible for the Research and Science Coordination at  TRUMPF and is an active member of VDMA, Photonics21 and other institutions.  His background is electrical engineering, especially laser technology with a  degree from RWTH Aachen.

As a researcher he worked at the  Fraunhofer‐Institute of Laser Technology in Aachen before moving to the  TRUMPF group in 1994. Since 2010, he is responsible for the research and the  science coordination of the TRUMPF group. He is well connected within the  German and European research community and related industry, and he is active  in relevant networks like VDMA and Photonics21.

As chair of Photonics21 work  group 2 on industrial manufacturing, he supported the multiannual strategic  agenda process and the process to set up the recent Horizon 2020 work  programmes.