Theodoros Karapiperis


Head of Scientific Foresight Unit

Theo  Karapiperis read Mathematical Physics at the University of Sussex, UK, and  went on to earn a PhD in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of  Technology (MIT) in 1982. He worked in fundamental and applied research until  1995.

He has been working at the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels since  1995, where he held posts as administrator in the Press Service, the  Secretariat of STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment, now Panel for  the Future of Science and Technology) and the Secretariat of the Committee on  Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), where he dealt mostly with EU research  policy.

From 2005 to 2010 he was head of unit in charge of the Policy  Department for Economic and Scientific Policy in the Directorate-General for  Internal Policies (DG IPOL). In 2010 he became head of the unit responsible  for the STOA Secretariat, which has been part of the European Parliamentary  Research Service (EPRS) since 2013.

His unit comprises, in addition to the  STOA Secretariat, the Scientific Foresight Service created in 2014 and, since  2018, the team supporting the work of the European Science-Media Hub, which  promotes networking, training and knowledge dissemination at the interface of  the EP, the scientific community and the media Job title & department:  Head of Unit, Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA), Directorate for Impact  Assessment and European Added Value, European Parliamentary Research Service  (EPRS), European Parliament