Tamara Obradov

VC Tablomonto

Partner VC Tablomonto and Co-initiation #fundrigth mission in the Netherlands

Tamara  Obradov is a partner and fund manager of Tablomonto Ventures. Tablomonto is a  female-led venture capital firm investing in category-creating tech  businesses in health-, consumer-, education- and fintech. In the last year,  Tamara was one of the founding partners of the #Fundright initiative.  

#Fundright is a VC industry initiative which aims to equalize the gender  funding gap for startup founders. She has made tremendous effort in  diversifying their own portfolio. Thorugh #fundright the goal is to create  equal funding opportunities for founders regardless of their gender of  background. She is a Harvard Business School and Rotterdam School of  Management alumna. She lives in Amsterdam with her partner and 3 kids.