Stefan Savonen


Vice President Energy & Climate

Stefan  has more than 20 years of experience from the field of energy and  environment, including at least ten years of them in the mining industry.  Stefan has published several articles concerning the use of energy in mining  industry and is also an inventor of patented technology to reduce NOx in  pelletising plants. After studies on Master’s level in energy at Mid Sweden  University, Stefan worked as a university lecturer and ended up as a director  of education in energy and electrical engineering, Stefan have also  experience from energy production at different management levels and is a  former CEO for an energy producing company. At LKAB Stefan started an R&D  department in energy end emissions and during the last years Stefan have been  responsible at group level for energy & climate. Stefan lives in the  village of Svappavaara, in the Swedish ore fields, 150 km north of the Arctic  Circle.