Rosa Scappatura

BNY Mellon

Relationship Executive

With  over twenty years of industry experience, Rosa is responsible for managing  and enhancing existing client relationships within the Issuer Services,  Corporate Trust Division, and for implementing key strategic initiatives to  grow business revenue.

Rosa is also in charge of the relationship with the  ICSDs and of the company’s Common Depository business. In this capacity she  also serves as a member of the Management Committee of ICMSA, the  International Capital Market Services Association.

She is a member of BNY  Mellon’s EMEA Operating Committee and of the Corporate Trust Global  Relationship Management Leadership Team. Prior to joining Corporate Trust,  Rosa was a Client Executive within Global Client Management, in charge of the  relationship with key strategic enterprise-wide clients.

Other previous roles  include Business Development Lead, a role that involved driving the Company's  commercial efforts in the Benelux region across all business lines, and Asset  Servicing Relationship Manager based in Italy and later in France.

Rosa  earned an Executive MBA from Solvay Brussels School of Economics and  Management and an MA in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University  of Pisa. Rosa was nominated by EIGE (the European Union Institute for Gender Equality)  as part of its Women and Men inspiring Europe pool. She is a founding member  and member of the Steering Committee of Women in Finance Belgium, a gender  equality industry association representing 80% of the workforce in the  Belgian financial industry