Peter Seitz is a member of the Executive Board of Photonics21, he is ‘Senior Technologist Europe’ of Hamamatsu Photonics, he is a member of the Executive Committee of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, he is adjunct professor of optoelectronics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL, and he is the co-founder and past Managing Director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH.
Earlier in his career, he was “Head, Science & Technology” at swissnex in San Francisco, Annex of the Consulate General of Switzerland, doing innovation scouting in Silicon Valley.
As a serial entrepreneur, he has co-created 10 high-tech startups. Peter Seitz has published about 200 scientific papers, he has authored more than 60 patents, and he has won 20 national and international awards together with his teams, of which the most prestigious is the IST Grand Prize 2004 of the European Commission.