Martin Porter


Executive Director

Dr.  Martin Porter has been the Executive Director for Industrial Innovation and  EU Affairs of the European Climate Foundation (ECF) and a member of its  Executive Management Team since 2014.

He has lead the establishment of its  Industrial Innovation for Competitiveness initiative (i24c), which works in  partnership with business, political and civil society leaders to play a  thought-leadership role on how Europe can best secure competitive advantage  in the transition to a new clean economy.

Martin is a member of the EESC’s  Consultative Committee on Industrial Change, an advisor to the European  Commission’s H2020 Societal Challenge 5 Advisory Group on Climate Action,  

Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials, a Senior Associate for  the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, and a  member of the Advisory Board of UCL’s European Institute. Martin has over two  decades of experience in EU affairs: he was a co-founder of Brussels’ first  ‘think-do tank’, The Centre, and joined the ECF from Edelman, where he was  Chair of the European Public Affairs Practice and General Manager of the  Brussels office.