Laura Rodríguez Gallego

Invivo Capital


Bachelor  of Science in Biotechnology (UAB), PhD in Biotechnology (UB) and a  Postgraduate course in Innovation Management (UAB). Her research in gene  therapy applications in the cancer field have led to publications in  scientific journals and collaborations with biotech companies.

She has been  Project Manager in the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Unit at the Research  Institute of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital (VHIR) in Barcelona. She is an active  member in the EIT Health Alumni Network, after her participation in the EIT  Health Innovation & Business Creation Summer School (2016) organized by  the Trinity College in Dublin and IESE business school.

She usually  collaborates with different entities of the health innovation ecosystem as a  start-up mentor, jury and evaluator (COMB, EIT Health, Ship2b, Imagine IF!,  FIPSE and CIMTI, among others).

Since January 2018, she works as investment  analyst in Healthequity, and since 2019 at Invivo Ventures, the first fund of  Invivo Capital Partners. Currently she is Principal at Invivo Capital  Partners.