Jean-Luc Beylat

Nokia Bell Labs France

Vice President Global Innovation Ecosystem Partnership at Nokia Bell Labs President of Nokia Bell Labs France

Jean-Luc  Beylat is Vice President Global Innovation Ecosystem Partnership at Nokia  Bell Labs, President of Nokia Bell Labs France, he is member of the Senior  Leadership Team of Bell Labs. He is also Chairman of the Business Cluster  “Systematic Paris–Region” which boasts +900 members and more than €3.6  billion invested in research and development.

Jean-Luc Beylat was also  elected as president of the French Association for Competitiveness Clusters  (AFPC) and Chairman of the Association Bernard Gregory (ABG), an association  devoted to PhDs in France. Jean-Luc first joined Alcatel in 1984, working on  semiconductor lasers for seven years at Alcatel’s research Centre in  Marcoussis (France).

In 1992 he launched various projects concerning WDM  transmission which led to an increase in Internet speed by a factor 100, and  in 1996 he was appointed Director of the Department of Systems and Optical  Networking Research Center, responsible globally for research in terrestrial  and submarine transmission.

In 2000, he rejoined Alcatel Optic as Program  Director then as Vice President for Network Solutions, before finally in 2003  being named as VP in Charge of Partnership Programs at the Alcatel corporate  CTO office. Jean-Luc holds a doctorate in physics on semi-conductor lasers  and their applications, awarded by the University of Pierre Marie Curie  (France), now named Sorbonne University. He is a member of the Board of IRT  SystemX, the Board of Administrators of the Paris-Region Enterprise, the  board of the PPP Photonic 21.

Finally, he co-founded and chaired the  organizing committee of Prix Jean Jerphagnon. He co-chaired, with Pierre  Tambourin, the report "L‘innovation, un enjeu majeur pour la  France" delivered to the French government in April 2013 and 2 other  reports for the French government delivered in 2017, one about IP done by  public research and the other one about proposals for the Revision of the  Allègre law (proposals were introduced in the PACTE law in 2019).