Jan-Jaap Aué

Centre of Expertise Energy; Hanze University of Applied Sciences


Jan-jaap  Aué worked as a PhD student at the University of Groningen from 1991-1997.  Hereafter, working at KNP Research from 1997 – 2002 and at TNO from 2003 –  2009, he became interested in innovation management and bringing research to  business in new products and services. In 2009 he joined Hanze University of  Applied Sciences, in Groningen, as Dean of Life Sciences and Engineering,  creating a Research and innovation Centre on Energy.

Within this centre a  unique Open Innovation Facility on Energy was created in close cooperation  with industry: EnTranCe http://en-tran-ce.org/. In April 2015 he was  appointed Dean of the Centre of Expertise Energy at Hanze UAS. Jan-jaap. Aué  holds a PhD In Materials Sciences form the University of Groningen.