Hilde Vermeulen

Science and Innovation of the Flanders Region

Policy Officer; Department of Economy

Hilde  is policy advisor of the department Economy, Science and Innovation, Flemish  government since December 2006. She is Belgian delegate in the programme  committee responsible for the Horizon2020 work programs ‘Innovation and SMEs’  and ‘Access to Risk Finance’.

She has experience as partner of a number of EU  projects of the interreg and R&D framework programs in different areas of  SME innovation policy. She was Belgian Sherpa for the High Level Group  GEAR2030 (EU automotive industry).

She holds a master degree and a  specialization in Applied Economics at KULeuven, where she was 5 years  research assistant in the area of innovation and clusters.

She also worked at  Idea Consultant and as sector advisor for the Belgian industry federation  Agoria.