Hans De Canck

AI Experience Centre / AI for the Common Good


Hans  De Canck has a solid background in digital research and innovation  management, working at universities and RTO’s (iMinds, imec, VITO).

He  manages and directs the development of the AI Experience Centre of the Vrije  Universiteit Brussels (VUB) as well as the Brussels AI for the Common Good  initiative.

The AI Experience Center is a state of the art Digital Innovation  Hub and is host of the Belgian CLAIRE offices in Brussels. Several research  centers from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel have joined forces to develop a  multi-disciplinary research and Innovation offering on AI, Data and Robotics  towards Academia, Industry, Policy makers including the broader public.

The  AI Experience Centre accelerates this offering. Hans works with the research  teams across the university and acts as coordinating manager for the AI for  the Common Good initiative, launched by rector Caroline Pauwels in 2019.