Frans Nauta

Municipality of The Hague

National Lead Security; Netherlands AI Coalition Program Director; Data Science Initiative

Frans  Nauta’s work is in innovation & entrepreneurship, with a focus on  (clean)tech. By teaching & training on innovation and entrepreneurship,  helping clients to grow the innovation capability of their organization,  developing innovation ecosystems.

At present Frans Nauta is working with the  municipality of The Hague on Discovering how Data Science and Artificial  Intelligence can contribute to peace, justice and security.

With its profile  of peace, justice and security, The Hague is well-positioned to adopt AI  solutions for security challenges in its public and private organisations by  accelerating scalable solutions and using data science through  entrepreneurship.

Some of the things Frans started: ClimateLaunchpad, the  worlds largest accelerator program for clean tech business ideas (>45  countries, >800 startups trained this year), Climate-KIC Startup  Accelerator (around 1.000 startups enrolled and >600 M€ attracted in  funding), Innovation Platform chaired by the Dutch Prime Minister,  Knowledgeland (think tank on social innovation and knowledge economy).