Fabrizio Porrino

EU Unicorns Group

Head of Secretariat

Fabrizio  Porrino is the proud Dad of a beautiful South African Princess and SVP Global  Public Affairs at FacilityLive, the European Search Platform, as also global  international media describe us. He is responsible for the global positioning  of FacilityLive and a regular speaker at renowned international events.

European Institutions like the European Commission and European Parliament  and International Organizations like the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM),  the OECD and the UN often invite him as an expert in digital, ICT,  innovation, startups, tech and policy-making.    Fabrizio is currently leading the Secretariat of the EU Unicorns Group  launched by the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture,  Education and Youth, Coordinator of the Working Group on Financial  Instruments of the Informal Group of Italian Research & Innovation EU  Liaison Offices in Brussels (GIURI), Co-Chair and Member of the Board of the  European e-Skills Association (EeSA), Member of the Steering Group of the  European Tech Alliance (EUTA) and Member of the Italian Initiative Group  (GII).

In 2019 and 2020, he was responsible for the Presidency of the EUTA. In  2015 He was the Spokesperson for the launch event of the EUTA at the European  Parliament in Strasbourg, under the auspices of the Vice-President of the  European Commission responsible for the Digital Single Market. He is a former  Member of the Board of the European Internet Forum (EIF), the EUTA, the  Italian Association for ICT (ANITEC) and the Steering Committee of the  European Business Summit (EBS).

Before joining FacilityLive, He worked for the Think Tank of the European  Parliament, the European Commission, in the Silicon Docks in Ireland, Silicon  Beach in California, and Italy’s historical IT capital. He is an Alumnus of  the College of Europe (Italian Government scholarship), of Science Po  Bordeaux (Erasmus scholarship) and the University of Turin (EDISU  scholarship).