Dimitri Corpakis

Friends of Smart Specialisation

Friends of Smart Specialisation

Dimitri  Corpakis, is an independent expert, writing and talking on innovation, growth  and technological change. An engineer and planner by training, he has more  than 30 years’ experience on the European integration process.

Dimitri worked  extensively for the European Commission in Brussels as well as for the Greek  civil service. His work experience spans many policy areas including  Education and Training, Information and Communication Technologies, Social  Sciences and Humanities, and Regional Innovation Ecosystems with an emphasis  on interactions and synergies between the Union’s Research and Innovation and  Cohesion Policies (European Structural and Investment Funds).

Prior to  retiring from the European Commission, Dimitri led the Unit on the Regional Dimension  of Innovation managing the legacy 7th Framework Programme actions on “Regions  of Knowledge” (that he created in 2003) and “Research Potential”, building  links with the Union's Cohesion Policy, with a strong focus on developing  Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3); ensuring  the Commission’s link with the Joint Programming Initiative on “Urban Europe”  and launching the ground-breaking actions on closing the innovation divide  (Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation - Teaming, Twinning and ERA  Chairs). As of 2018, Dimitri co-founded FoSS (Friends of Smart  Specialisation) an informal advocacy group.

Dimitri is a member of the  International Triple Helix Association, a Fellow of the Regional Studies  Association (RSA) and a Senior Research Fellow of the South East European  Research Centre (SEERC) a research centre of CITY College, University of York  Europe Campus.