Babette Bakker


Program Manager

Babette  Bakker works as a program manager of TNO Appl.AI (Applied AI) and as a  researcher in innovation policy at TNO. Appl.AI is TNO’s initiative to  stimulate AI innovation by bringing governments, companies and researchers  together in joint innovation projects. Her role is to set up and coordinate  this new program. As a researcher, she is especially involved in AI for  public policy and services.

Babette is also an advisor and researcher in  innovation policy and strategy. She has ample experience in data-driven  foresight studies, impact assessment of technology, roadmaps and national  research agendas. Her role is to bridge the gap between policy/strategy  questions, technological/market expertise and data science.

Babette completed  the data expert program of the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, the  European Master in System Dynamics and a bachelor in (International)  Economics from the Radboud University Nijmegen.