Henna Virkkunen



Henna Virkkunen is a member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and a substitute of the Committee on Transport and Tourism. She advocates the Digital Single Market and European Energy Union. She is working with files on Horizon Europe, online platforms, and Connecting Europe Facility. Virkkunen has worked as a rapporteur on blockchain technologies. Virkkunen promotes an innovation-friendly Europe.She is a keen advocate of education and skills as these equip European people for future trends such as digitalisation. She has served several ministerial posts in Finland as a Minister of Education and Science, Minister of Public Administration and Local Governance and Minister of Transport. Virkkunen is a licentiate of Philosophy.

Parliamentary activity


Committee on Industry, Research and Energy


Committee on Transport and Tourism


Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware


Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula


Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly