Annie Schreijer-Pierik

The Netherlands


Annie Schreijer-Pierik  (born 1953) grew up on a farm and married a farmer in the region Twente, in the east of The Netherlands. With her family she ran a pig farm and became a leader of national farmer unions. She has a strong conviction that the EU should take care well of its agriculture producers. Only then Europeans are guaranteed to enjoy enough good and healthy food of the highest quality.

Annie Schreijer went into politics for the Christian democrat party CDA, usually with a seat in agriculture committees.She made a career from the local municipality board via province to the national parliament where she was a Member during 12 years. At every election Schreijer was elected with many votes of preference. In 2014 she broke the party record with regard to European elections, when she was elected in the European Parliament with over 113.000 votes.

Schreijer-Pierik is a Member of the EP Committees ENVI, Fisheries and AGRI. She is also serving as Secretary-Generalof the Intergroup Biodiversity, Hunting and Countryside.

Parliamentary activity


Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development


Committee on Fisheries


Committee on International Trade


Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly


Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee